Two Positions at the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Postdoc in the projet BRAIN2.0-be PORTAL (PhOtotrophy on Rocky HAbiTAble PLanets)
The application deadline is 1/05/2021
Scientist/engineer in radio-science for the LaRA experiment fore the ExoMars 2022 mission
The application deadline is 25/04/2021
Two Postdoctoral Associate positions in Exoplanet Atmosphere Modelling
(not in Benelux but of high interest ! )
Any inquiries can be emailed to
Deadline: Applications received until 14 March 2021 will receive full
consideration. Later applications will be reviewed until the positions are filled.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiative Transfer Modeling in Planetary Atmospheres (not in Benelux but of high interest !)
person to be contacted: Dr. Germán Martínez (
Postdoc position “The role of N2 fixing cyanobacteria in past marine biogeochemical cycles”
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
The applications deadline is 5/02/2021
Post doctoral researcher in geography/ecology
Catholic University of Louvain La Neuve
The application deadline is 1/02/2021
Past positions
An academic position in Experimental astroparticle physics (1 FTE)
Catholic University of Louvain La Neuve
The application deadline is 16/10/2020
Post Doc in Biochemistry, Bioseparation
Catholic University of Louvain La Neuve
The application deadline is 31/12/2020
Doctoral researcher (PhD) in Computational Biology / Biostatistics (gn)
University of Luxembourg
PhD position in Harnessing Active Microbial Behavior in Complex Environments
University of Luxembourg
Research Associate in computer vision for space applications (gn)
University of Luxembourg
Space and robotics enthusiastic researchers
University of Luxembourg
PhD-student in Data assimilation of the chemical composition of the atmosphere
SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research
The application deadline is 11/11/2020
Postdoc researcher measuring impact of science communication
The application deadline is 27/10/2020
Expired PhD/Job offers
Assistant / Associate Professor of Biomolecular Research
Utrecht University Centre for Biomolecular Research
The application deadline is 30/09/2020
PhD Position in Plants and Crops
Ghent University Department of Plants and Crops
The application deadline is 30/09/2020
PhD Position in Geosciences
Utrecht University Faculty of Geosciences
The application deadline is 24/09/2020
Faculty Positions in Environmental Sciences
Utrecht University Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development
Two tenure track faculty positions Environmental Sciences at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (1.0 FTE)
The application deadline is 15/09/2020
Full-time Research and Teaching Assistant Position in Chemistry - Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
Apply until 26/06/2020
The candidate will participate in the supervision of seminars and practical works in Chemistry, mainly in Organic Chemistry.
The candidate must pursue research in view of obtaining a PhD in Science under the supervision of a Professor of the Department (the candidate must have made prior contact for this purpose with one of the Professors in the Department.
Full-time Research and Teaching Position in Physics - Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Apply until 30/06/2020
Monitoring of exercise sessions and laboratories (300h per year) for several Physics courses, and research activities in one of the research fields of the Department of Physics. The applicant will do research under the supervision of a professor of the Department in the framework of his/her PhD thesis (this requires preliminary contacts with that professor).
Main Research Field : Physics.
Full-time Academic Position in Molecular and Cellular Biology - Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
Apply until 31/05/2020
The Department of Molecular Biology (DBM) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites applications for a full-time tenured faculty position to join its multi-disciplinary research and teaching team, starting on 01/11/2020.
Candidates with a PhD degree in Molecular Biology (or related disciplines), an internationally competitive scientific track-record and an innovative research program in a field emphasized by the DBM are invited to apply. We are particularly interested in recruiting candidates investigating biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular microbiology and/or genetics. The candidate should consolidate existing laboratories of the department. Preference will, therefore, be given to candidates whose research skills will both integrate and complement current departmental strengths ( Nevertheless, the successful candidate is expected to develop his/her own line of independent research and to apply to the most competitive external grants funding bodies to support his/her research program (ERC, Welbio, FNRS, Europe, Regional funds, etc…).
Professor in Geo- and Climate Hazards (14746) - Ghent University, Belgium
Apply until 4/05/2020
The faculty of Sciences has a vacancy for a professorship, starting on 1 September 2020. It concerns a full-time position as Professor in the rank of Assistant Professor (docent, Tenure Track) in the department of Geology (WE13), charged with academic teaching, scientific research and carrying out scientific duties in the field of geo- and climate hazards.
PhD positions at IMEC -Leuven, Belgium
Apply until 15/04/2020
As a PhD researcher at imec, you get the opportunity to do fundamental, advanced research on technologies that are far ahead of the needs of the industry. Our PhD programs have been developed in collaboration with 5 Flemish universities to match our research domains:
CMOS and beyond CMOS
Data science and data security
GaN Power Electronics
Image sensors and vision systems
Life Sciences
Radar Sensing Systems
Silicon Photonics
Solid State batteries
System and IC design
Thin-film flexible electronics
Wireless IoT communication
Assistant - Biochemistry and microbiology - Ghent University, Belgium
Apply until 14/04/2020 23:59 (Brussels time)
At least 50% of your assignment will be spent on academic research in microbial biochemistry in preparation of a doctoral dissertation focused on the biochemical aspects of bacterial virulence.
You will assist in the teaching activities at the department, specifically in biochemistry.
You will assist in the internal and external services of the department.
PhD Student - Department of Biotechnology - Ghent University, Belgium
Apply until 26/04/2020
Current biomass use comes at a high cost, either in terms of land use (sugar/starch crops) or energy and chemical use (2nd generation biomass). On the other hand, bio-waste is massively produced in urban or rural context but almost not valorised, or solely in low-value applications, in part due to its heterogenous nature. The upcoming H2020 BBI CAFIPLA project tackles both issues by developing an integrated biomass valorisation strategy that combines the carboxylic acid and fibre recovery platform (CAP/FRP). Ghent University is one of the partners of this H2020 BBI project, and will contribute to the project by investigating: i) the production of medium-chain carboxylic acids from biowaste by chain elongation; and ii) the characterization of waste fermentation microbiomes using single-cell techniques, and the development of novel process monitoring and steering approaches for process monitoring.
Postdoctoral research (14426) - Geology - Ghent University, Belgium
Apply until 17/04/2020
In the framework of the FWO project “Energy storage in the geological subsurface: impact of salt precipitation in porous media” we have an open position for an enthusiastic post-doc within the Pore-scale Processes in Geomaterials Research group (PProGRess-UGent), member of the UGent expertise Centre for X-ray Tomography (
Storing renewable energy when there is a surplus to use at times of high demand is an important research topic regarding the energy transition. A promising technology to do this at large scale is to pump compressed air or hydrogen in the pores of subsurface rock formations. However, salts from the brine originally present in these pores may crystallize out and block the flow of storage gas. Despite its large impact on storage operations, it is currently poorly understood where and in which circumstances this takes place, due to the interplay between the physics of the process and geological heterogeneity. In this project, we will investigate this from the scale of pores up to storage reservoirs (km-scale). This will be done through gas injection experiments in rock samples visualized by micro-computed tomography, for which the post-doctoral researcher will be mainly responsible, combined with numerical analysis on different scales (for which a PhD student will be hired). This will give novel insights on the impact of salt crystallization on these promising energy storage technologies.
Postdoctoral position in biochemistry and plant molecular biology - Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium
Apply until 30/04/2020
We are looking for a highly motivated, talented and skilled individual to join our ongoing research projects on understanding the molecular mechanisms of selective autophagy and plant abiotic stress responses. The focus of the project is to understand structure-function relationships of defined core autophagy-related (ATG) protein complexes and their involvement in the initiation and formation of the phagophore, then the autophagosome, to target a specific cargo such as the stress-induced membrane-bound Translocator protein (TSPO) in plants (Plant Cell, 2011, 23: 785-805; Plant Cell, 2014, 26: 4974-4990; Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2015, 40: 497-503, iScience The project will involve a combination of protein biochemistry, proteomics, molecular genetics, genome editing, and cell biology. Most of the basic studies will be conducted in Arabidopsis, and translation of the acquired knowledge into related crop species. The position is associated with the research group of Henri Batoko at the Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology (LIBST), University of Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Position 1: development of models of upper atmospheres for hot gas-dominated planets
Position 2: development of models describing the envelope structure and escape from ultra-short period small rocky planets